Writer's Block? Just Write Rubbish

If you can't see the video, view The Writer's Block by KickThePJ here

My charming and beautiful daughter took time off from her GCSE tower to show me this video today.

Kick the PJ is one of those YouTube stars who make fab short films that make me wish I was still young enough to spend more time with YouTube. If you like this, do go forth and subscribe.

The message is: if you're blocked, just write rubbish!

I totally agree.

You don't have to write perfect prose all the time. My friend Jane McLoughlin (who wrote the amazing At Yellow Lake), sometimes jokes that she's writing but she hasn't written the long words yet.

I know exactly what she means. Writing gets done only by writing, but the words you are laying down don't have to be right the first time.

And if you're finding it hard? Just write anything.

Then those voices whispering in your ear ... you know, the ones that say, 'You can't write!' 'Your publisher is BLIND!' 'YOU HAVE NO TALENT!' -- yup, those voices *shudder* ... well, if you just write rubbish, they will eventually get bored and go away.

And when they go away, huzzah!

The words are sure to come.

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Readers Who WriteI love LibrariesBeast QuestStory is not colour blind
The Writer is You
Whoever You Are
Dear Candy Gourlay
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Ellis Guilford School
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