Visit the Tall Story website Art by Sarah McIntyre |
In the Philippines where I was born, legends were a way of ordinary people explaining the often unexplainable forces of nature around them - the volcanoes, earthquakes, the strange shapes of mountains, caves, the existence of plants and other creatures.
A lot of Filipino folk stories are handed down in the oral tradition - grown ups telling children stories, and the children growing up to tell the stories to their own children.
And every time a story is told, the teller adds his own spin to the story, so the story is always changing. It's a very exciting process!
In the video, I tell The Legend of the Bellybutton - as imagined by me and a group of children at the Hay Literary Festival after a hilarious brainstorming session.
Photo by Another Sergio (Creative Commons Attribution) |
It was just one of many legends we made up in that hour we spent together. We had great fun - we must have written 20 legends in one hour!
It's easy! And it's so much fun!
1st Choose something to make a legend about. It can be anything at all!
eg. The Legend of the Nose
Thanks to Jon-Eric Melsæter on Flickr (Creative Commons Attribution) |
2nd Decide how things used to be.
eg. People didn't have Noses. So they couldn't smell anything. So they didn't enjoy eating because they couldn't smell food. And they thought flowers were boring because they couldn't smell how lovely they were. And they themselves smelled bad because they couldn't smell themselves.
People became very grumpy |
3rd Something happens to bring your something about!
eg. Someone tripped and grew a bump on their face. Then tripped again and got holes in the bump. And then discovered that they could smell food and flowers (they also began to wash). And everyone became so jealous they went out and accidentally on purpose tripped over too!
And that is why we have noses!
Thanks to Bazusa on Flickr (Creative Commons Attribution) |
If you're a teacher or a librarian and you fancy creating legends with your own posse of children, check out my Legend in Your Own Time download on my website!
Thank you!
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