Back in November, I was so pleasedwhen I found out that Bone Talk got a nomination for the Carnegie Medal and Francesca Chessa, who illustrated Is It a Mermaid, was nominated for the Kate Greenaway Medal. How amazing to be on these two of the most highly regarded awards lists in the world!

In February, they announced the longlists. Bone Talk was still hanging on.

I was on the other side of the world, in the Philippines, launching the Philippine edition of Bone Talk! The time zones didn't quite match but I managed this tweet:
We announced the Carnegie shortlisting at my Manila book launch and there was much celebration!
Here's a screenshot from the Philippine Daily Inquirer's article:
... and then followed an amazing avalanche of praise and kind messages that had me up into the wee hours, Philippine time, reading and replying!
Thank you to all the people who celebrated with me. I'd known about the Carnegie Medal since I was a kid growing up in the Philippines. This really means a lot to me.
This piece might look familiar, if you follow me on Twitter. I am slowly reproducing Twitter threads on my blog in the name of keeping a proper record.
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