And ... Shine won!
Woo hoo! thank you to the young people who read and discussed the books, including: The Bubble Wrap Boy by Phil Earle, Cowboy by GI Gemin, Shine by me, Smart by . And thanks to Book Trust who supplied the titles! Here are some tweets from Isambard School on the day (and an incredibly impressive video - love the part where they announce that Shine won and you hear groans from the dissenters!). So glad there's a video, it's almost as if I was there!
Here as promised is the Isambard TV video documenting last week's GR8 Book Debate: https://t.co/B9s76HCOyp.— Isambard Com. School (@IsambardCSchool) July 14, 2016
Wednesday saw the finale of the GR8 Book Debate: https://t.co/txOsxf3iCf. pic.twitter.com/XxNU3hXV6c— Isambard Com. School (@IsambardCSchool) July 8, 2016